Rail gun trail customization

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Rail gun trail customization

Post by ansixor »

Hi all! Thanks for great games!

I have a question. I have the latest unfreeze mod and everything is great, yet I'm stuck with rail gun trail customization. As I set /cg_oldRail to 1, the trail disappears at all. Otherwise, if /cg_oldRail is set to 0, the trail shows up, but no other customization commands (such as /cg_railtrailtime) seem to have any affect on it.
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Re: Rail gun trail customization

Post by adminless »

that's very rare, I've just tested it here now and it's working fine for me. my best guess is probably that you installed some custom pak that is interfering or some broken settings. to be safe make sure to run the game from a clean installation (just unzip ioq3v6-unfreeze-client-v20.5.zip put your pak0.pk3 file inside the baseq3 folder and run the game from there nothing else) and reset your cfg (move away the ufconfig files) and see if that way it works as expected.
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Re: Rail gun trail customization

Post by ansixor »

Thanks a lot!